+852 5506 9377
「MCSF年度升級評核試」 分為第一至第九段,以不同顏色腰帶分段,學員必須由第一分段開始逐段晉級,成功晉級的學員均會獲MCSF頒發該分段顏色腰帶。而成功晉級至第7段的學員,將會由本會保薦到日本由國際綜合搏擊總會進行考核!
日期:2024年8月3日(星期六) 考核時間:15:00-16:00 地點: 香港數碼港道100號數碼港
截止報名日期:2024年6月30日 裝備:會衫、Spat搏擊長褲、手帶(8歲以下不用)、拳套、腳pad
“International Certified ShootBoxing Skills Assessment” It is divided into nine levels, with different color belts. Students must start from the first level and upgrade step by step. Students who have successfully upgraded will be awarded the color belt of the corresponding level by MCSF. Students who have successfully upgraded to the 7th level will be recommended by the MCSF to Japan for assessment by the ShootBoxing Headquarter.
Date: August 3, 2024 (Saturday) Assessment time: 11:00-13:00 Location: Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Deadline for registration: June 30, 2024 Equipment: MCSF tee-shirts, ShootBoxing pants, hand wraps (not required for those under 8 years old), boxing gloves, shin pads
我聲明並同意遵守 中國香港綜合搏擊運動總會 (下稱 “大會” )訂下的免責條款及規則如下:
Fighter Agreement: WAVIER AND RELEASE to be agreed by the fighter.
I declare and agree to abide by the rules and exclusion clauses of China Hong Kong Mixed Combat Sports Ferderation (hereinafter: “the Organiser”).
In case of discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version in respect of all or any part of the contents in this agreement, the Chinese version shall prevail.